
4.Pattern mode
4.Pattern mode
Editing the effect or delay
On the EM-1, you can select and use one of eleven types of
effect for each pattern. The effect can be turned on/off for each
part by using the Effect key in the Part Edit section. Use the
two knobs (Edit 1, Edit 2) to adjust the parameters, which will
differ depending on the selected effect.
Although the effect can be turned on/off independently
for each part, the type and parameter values cannot be
changed independently.
Some time may be required for the effect to begin ap-
plying when you switch patterns.
Effect types and parameters
Motion Seq (motion sequence)
This is the motion sequence for the effect (see p.34 Mo-
tion sequence). Each time you press the key, this will al-
ternate between on (lit) and off (dark).
When Delay Editing is on, this will be the delay mo-
tion sequence key.
This simulates the reverberation and acoustics of a plate
reverb unit.
Edit 1 _ Time 0...127
The reverb time will lengthen as the knob is rotated to-
ward the right.
Edit 2 _ Level 0...127
The level of the reverberation will increase as the knob is
rotated toward the right.
Flg./Cho. (flanger/chorus)
Flanger and chorus are effects that modulate the pitch of
a slightly time-delayed copy of the sound and add it to
the original sound to create a sense of spaciousness, modu-
lation, and vibrato.
Edit 1 _ LFO Rate 0...127
Adjusts the LFO speed of the flanger/chorus.
The LFO speed will become faster as the knob is rotated
toward the right.
Edit 2 _ Depth 0...127
Adjusts the depth of the flanger/chorus effect. The effect
will change from chorus to flanger as the knob is rotated
toward the right.
Raising the depth excessively may cause the sound
to distort.
This effect adds modulation to the sound by mixing a cy-
clically phase-shifted sound with the original sound.
Edit 1 _ LFO Rate 0...127
Adjusts the LFO speed of the phaser. The LFO speed will
become faster as the knob is rotated toward the right.
Edit 2 _ Depth 0...127
Adjusts the depth of the phaser. The modulation will be-
come greater as the knob is rotated toward the right.
Ring Mod. (ring modulation)
This effect applies modulation to the sound in order to
create metallic resonances or unusual sound effects.
Edit 1 _ Frequency 0...127
Specifies the frequency of the modulation that will be ap-
plied. The frequency will rise as the knob is rotated to-
ward the right.
Edit 2 _ Balance 0...127
Specifies the balance of the effect sound and direct sound.
As the knob is rotated toward the right, the effect sound
will increase and the direct sound will decrease.
Pitch Shifter
This effect shifts the pitch.
Edit 1 _ Pitch 0...127
Specifies the amount of pitch shift. When the knob is in
the center position, the output pitch will be the same as
the input pitch. As the knob is rotated toward the left the
pitch will become lower, and as the knob is rotated toward
the right the pitch will become higher. The available range
of pitch shift is +/-2 octaves, and will change as shown
30 -5
27 -5 1/2
24 -6
(1 oct. down)
22 -6 1/2
20 -7
18 -7 1/2
16 -8
14 -8 1/2
12 -9
10 -9 1/2
6 -10 1/2
2 -11 1/2
0 -12
(2 oct. down)
88 +3 1/2
85 +3
82 +2 1/2
79 +2
76 +1 1/2
73 +1
70 +1/2
64 actual pitch
57 -1/2
54 -1
51 -1 1/2
48 -2
45 -2 1/2
42 -3
39 -3 1/2
36 -4
33 -4 1/2
127 +12 (2 oct. up)
125 +11 1/2
123 +11
121 +10 1/2
119 +10
117 +9 1/2
115 +9
113 +8 1/2
111 +8
109 +7 1/2
107 +7
105 +6 1/2
103 +6 (1 oct. up)
100 +5 1/2
97 +5
94 +4 1/2
91 +4
Pitch Offset Values
Edit 2 _ Dry level 0...127
This adds the original sound to the pitch-shifted sound.
As the knob is rotated toward the right, increasing amounts
of the original sound will be added to the effect sound.
A compressor boosts low level sounds and reduces high
level sounds in order to minimize differences in volume
and make the sound more consistent.
Edit 1 _ Sensitivity 0...127
Specifies the sensitivity of the compressor. When the knob
is in the far left position, there will be no effect. As the
knob is rotated toward the right, the effect will apply more
Edit 2 _ Attack 0...127
Specifies the attack speed until the compressor begins to
take effect. The attack will become slower as the knob is
rotated toward the right.
By boosting the volume appropriately, this effect causes the
sound to distort and produces a rich overtone structure.
Edit 1 _ Gain 0...127
Specifies the degree of distortion. The sound will be dis-
torted more greatly as the knob is rotated toward the right.
Edit 2 _ Level 0...127
Adjusts the output level. The output level will increase as
the knob is rotated toward the right.