TRITON Training Guide
Very Cool Combinations
Here’s some great Combinations to demo from each Category. Although you'll find many more Combinations
with great sound and controller functions, these are some of our favorites! So here you go - a "place to start":
KEYBOARD A000, A001, B000, B064, C025
ORGAN A008, A072, B104, C088
BELL / MALLET C060, C108, D012
STRINGS A013, A093, C029, D013
BRASS / REED A011, B059, C027, C091
ORCHESTRAL A002, A018, A114, B050
WORLD A025, A041, B025, C105
GUIT / PLUCKED A007, B087, C103, D039
PADS A010, A122, C058, D074
MOTION A004, A020, A036, A068, B090
SYNTH B010, C005, C069, D021
LEAD SPLIT A014, A126, B126, C078
BASS SPLIT A001, C001, C097, D081
COMPLEX A015, A031, A063, D079
RHYTHMIC A102, B003, B019, B086, C126
DRUMS / HITS A006, B111, D006, D022
Tip: There is a more complete chart at the end of this Guide, listing controllers and other helpful information.
There's soooooooooo many sounds!
KORG's fantastic programming team spent untold hours of painstaking controller edits and voicing - to get
each Program and Combination just right! We at Korg want you to explore TRITON - you'll find many great
sounds in all the categories.
Insert and Master Effects
TRITON features five Insert effects (stereo in / stereo out) and two Master effects (mono in / stereo out), plus
a stereo three-band master EQ. There are a total of 102 different insert effect algorithms and 89 master
effects -all fully - editable and real-time - controllable! TRITON also features easy effects routing, including
the ability to route effected or dry signals to the individual outputs - quickly! Plus, external audio inputs can
use TRITON's effect engine as a 2 -in / 6 -out effect processor!