• The right lamp flashes quickly when a MIDI error
happens. The lamp flashes until you press any one of
the panel buttons.
i LED Display
In normal playing conditions, this displays the currently
selected program number (when Y is
selected in ·; see on page 22).
When moving the Assignable Wheel or Slider, this flashes
the currently active Controller number. (When assigned to
RPN or NRPN, the display does not flash.) For the Wheel,
the default is 001 - Modulation; for the Slider, the default
is 006 - Data Entry.
When changing the octave setting, this momentarily indi-
cates the number of octaves, up or down, from the normal
octave setting. The range is -3 (3 octaves down) to 0
(normal) to 4 (4 octaves up).
The display also indicates the status of the MIDI control
operations. Depending on the operation performed, the
display may:
• Flash rapidly, indicating the selected MIDI message has
been sent. (Ex.: When pressing C + Q.)
• Show the current condition or value. (Ex.: When
pressing C + R .) It also displays the entered
value when changing a function’s setting.
This is a list of some of the main controller numbers (and
their names) that can be used with the Assignable Wheel
and Slider. (For a complete list, see on page 30.)
Panel Controls and Terminals
Default Settings of the CBX-K2
The CBX-K2 has no internal memory backup. As a result, all settings are returned to the factory default when turning
the power off. The basic factory default settings are listed below.
• Merge: on
• MIDI transmit channel: 1
• Octave range: C1 – C5
• Transpose: normal (no transposition)
• Fixed velocity: off (keyboard is velocity sensitive)
• Assignable Wheel: Modulation
• Assignable Slider: Data entry MSB
■ User-configurable Defaults:
You can change certain power-on default settings of the
CBX-K2. These include:
* Reversing the MSB, LSB order. Hold down
N and turn the power on. (Pages 28,