2. Overview
Transmitted data includes messages from the CBX-K2 itself
and messages from an external device connected to MIDI
IN. Besides conventional MIDI messages, single byte data
can also be transmitted.
3. Transmitted Data
3.1 Channel Voice Messages
(1) Note on/off <<9n kk vv>>
n=Channel 0-15
kk=Note number 0-127
vv=Velocity 0 : note off, 1-127 : note on
(2) Polyphonic key pressure <<An kk vv>>
n=Channel 0-15
kk=Note number 0-127
vv=Pressure value 0-127
* When pressing several keys simultaneously, after touch of only
the highest note number is output.
* Though the keyboard of the CBX-K2 itself has no after touch,
after touch data can be transmitted from the Assignable Wheel
or Slider when Channel pressure or Polyphonic key pressure is
assigned to the controller.
(3) Control change <<Bn cc vv>>
n=Channel 0-15
cc=Control number 0-119
vv=Control value
* When RPN or NRPN is assigned to the Assignable Wheel or
Slider, the MSB, LSB and data entry values are transmitted in
a group each time.
(4) Program change <<Cn pp>>
n=Channel 0-15
pp=Program number 0-127
(5) Channel pressure <<Dn vv>>
n=Channel 0-15
vv=Pressure value 0-127
* Though the keyboard of the CBX-K2 itself has no after touch,
after touch data can be transmitted from the Assignable Wheel
or Slider when Channel pressure is assigned to the controller.
(6) Pitch bend change <<En ll mm>>
n=Channel 0-15
ll=Pitch bend value LSB 0-127
mm=Pitch bend value MSB 0-127
* MSB and LSB data (depending on Pitch Bend Wheel position):
(3) All note off <<Bn 7B 00>>
n=Channel 0-15
(4) Mono <<Bn 7E 00>>
n=Channel 0-15
(5) Poly <<Bn 7F 00>>
n=Channel 0-15
3.3 System Exclusive Messages
(1) GM system on <<F0 7E 7F 09 01 F7>>
(2) XG system on
<<F0 43 1n 4C 00 00 7E 00 F7>>
n=Device number
(3) Master volume <<F0 7F 7F 04 01 00 vv F7>>
vv=Volume value 0-127
(4) Master balance <<F0 7F 7F 04 02 00 vv F7>>
vv=Balance value 0-127
(5) Master tuning
<<F0 43 1s 27 30 00 00 pm pl 00 F7>>
s=Device number 0-15
pm=Tuning value MSB (higher 4 bits of 1-byte data)
pl=Tuning value LSB (lower 4 bits of 1-byte data)
(6) TG300B reset
<<F0 41 10 42 12 40 00 7F 00 41 F7>>
(7) MU100R Voice Map
<<F0 43 1s 49 00 00 12 vv F7>>
s=Device number 0-15
vv=0 : MU basic
vv=1 : MU100R Native
3.4 System Common Messages
(1) Song select <<F3 vv>>
vv=Song number 0-127
(2) Song position pointer <<F2 ll mm>>
Song position pointer LSB
Song position pointer MSB
3.5 System Real Time Messages
(1) Timing clock <<F8>>
(2) Start <<FA>>
(3) Continue <<FB>>
(4) Stop <<FC>>
(5) Active sensing <<FE>> Transmission should
not be paused for
longer than 250 ms.
3.6 Single-byte Data Transmission
(1) Single-byte data <<xx>>xx=0-255
Separate from conventional MIDI message transmission, single
byte messages can also be transmitted.
3.7 Others
* Running Status bytes are not used. However, incoming
Running Status messages are added and transmitted.
* If the incoming Note Off messages include <<8n>> status, the
<<8n>> status is merged and output as is. (The CBX-K2
transmits Note Off messages as <<9n>> status with a velocity
of 0.)
MIDI Data Format
* When MSB < 64, LSB = 0. When MSB > 64, LSB = (MSB -
64) x 2.
3.2 Channel Mode Messages
(1) All sound off <<Bn 78 00>>
n=Channel 0-15
(2) Reset all controller <<Bn 79 00>>
n=Channel 0-15
Maximum 0 0
Center 64 0
Minimum 127 126