
Assignable Wheel & Slider — Controller Number List
For further details on these various control numbers refer to the MIDI Data Format supplement.
Controller Data Format MIDI Code Direct Data Send Range
No. Name (Hexadecimal in parentheses)
1 Modulation Depth Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
2 Breath Control Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
4 Foot Control Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
5 Portamento Time Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
6 Data Entry MSB Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
7 Main Volume Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
10 Pan Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
11 Expression Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
64 Hold 1 (Damper) Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
65 Portamento Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
66 Sostenuto (Chord Hold) Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
67 Soft Pedal Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
71 Harmonic Content Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
72 Release Time Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
73 Attack Time Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
74 Brightness Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
84 Portamento Control Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
91 Reverb Send Level Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
93 Chorus Send Level Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
94 Variation Effect Send Level Control Change <<Bn gg vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
120 Pitch Bend Sensitivity RPN <<Bn 64 00, Bn 65 00, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
121 Fine Tuning RPN <<Bn 64 01, Bn 65 00, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
122 Coarse Tuning RPN <<Bn 64 02, Bn 65 00, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
123 Vibrato Rate NRPN <<Bn 62 08, Bn 63 01, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
124 Vibrato Depth NRPN <<Bn 62 09, Bn 63 01, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
125 Vibrato Delay NRPN <<Bn 62 0A, Bn 63 01, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
126 Low Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency NRPN <<Bn 62 20, Bn 63 01, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
127 Low Pass Filter Resonance NRPN <<Bn 62 21, Bn 63 01, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
128 High Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency NRPN <<Bn 62 24, Bn 63 01, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
129 EQ Low Gain NRPN <<Bn 62 30, Bn 63 01, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
130 EQ High Gain NRPN <<Bn 62 31, Bn 63 01, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
131 EQ Low Frequency NRPN <<Bn 62 34, Bn 63 01, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
132 EQ High Frequency NRPN <<Bn 62 35, Bn 63 01, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
133 EG Attack Time NRPN <<Bn 62 63, Bn 63 01, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
134 EG Decay Time NRPN <<Bn 62 64, Bn 63 01, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
135 EG Release Time NRPN <<Bn 62 66, Bn 63 01, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
136 Drum Low Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 14, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
137 Drum Low Pass Filter Resonance NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 15, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
138 Drum EG Attack Rate NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 16, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
139 Drum EG Decay Rate NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 17, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
140 Drum Pitch Coarse NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 18, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
141 Drum Pitch Fine NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 19, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
142 Drum Level NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 1A, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
143 Drum Pan NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 1C, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
144 Drum Reverb Send Level NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 1D, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
145 Drum Chorus Send Level NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 1E, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
146 Drum Variation Send Level NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 1F, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
147 Drum High Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 24, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
148 Drum EQ Low Gain NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 30, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
149 Drum EQ High Gain NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 31, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
150 Drum EQ Low Frequency NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 34, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
151 Drum EQ High Frequency NRPN <<Bn 62 rr, Bn 63 35, Bn 06 vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
152 Channel Pressure After Touch <<Dn vv>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
153 Polyphonic Key Pressure After Touch <<An tt vv>> — *1
154 Master Volume System Exclusive Messages <<F0 7F 7F 04 01 ll mm F7>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
155 Master Balance System Exclusive Messages <<F0 7F 7F 04 02 ll mm F7>> 000-064-127 (00-40-7F)
156 Master Tuning System Exclusive Messages <<F0 43 1s 27 30 00 00 pm pl 00 F7>> 014-064-114 (0E-40-72) *2
157 Velocity Others *4
158 Tempo Others *5 — *3
MIDI Code abbreviation key
n: MIDI channel
gg: Control number
tt: Note number
s: Device number
rr: Drum number
vv: 8-bit resolution of the Wheel movement or Slider (range: 00–7F)
ll mm: 16-bit resolution of the Wheel movement or Slider (range: 0000–
pm pl: Wheel movement or Slider data of 8-bit values are divided into
two bytes (with pm = upper half of 8 bits and pl = lower half of 8
bits), converting 1-byte data into 2-byte data, each consisting of 4 bits.
The upper 4 digits are given values of 0 for both pm and pl.
Even though not all of the numbers are listed here, the Assignable Wheel
can be assigned to any of the standard Control Change numbers: 0 –119.
*1 This applies only to the highest note played. This control number is
unrelated to polyphonic key pressure after touch in the MIDI standard.
*2 Data from 00–0D is converted to a value of 0E, and data from 73–7F
is converted to a value of 72.
*3 When Tempo is assigned to the Assignable Wheel or Slider, the range
becomes 28–282.
*4 This does not output MIDI code directly, but changes the velocity of
the subsequently played notes.
*5 This does not output MIDI code directly, but changes the time interval
between transmitted MIDI clocks.