The Delegate Database main window is used to input delegate data and
parameters and to access the other dialogue boxes of the Delegate Database
In the title bar at the top of this window, the names file name is displayed.
If a names file was selected from the main menu of the Startup program,
this file will be opened and the name of this file will appear in the title bar.
If no ‘Current Names File’ has been selected from the main menu of the
Startup program, then Delegate Database will open in preparation mode. In
this mode, pre-conference data can be entered after first opening or creating
a names file from the ‘File’ menu on the main menu bar. It is possible to
access any existing names file or enter data into a new names file. To down-
load delegate data from such a file to the CCU it is necessary to return to
Startup and select a names file in the Startup file menu. For more details,
please refer to chapter 4, ‘Applying Data During a Conference’.
Delegate Database Digital Congress Network
Software User Manual Page 3-2
Fig. 1 The Delegate Database main window