You can download conference data to the DCN system, even when a con-
ference is taking place. This is accomplished from the ‘Apply’ menu. Down-
loading data can be done in two ways: all the data in the names file can be
downloaded, or only the data for the delegate currently displayed. The
‘Apply’ menu has two options, ‘All’ and ‘One’, which allow you to select the
type of data download.
CAUTION: Applying delegate data during a conference causes all DCN
activities to be suspended while the new information is downloaded.
Before applying delegate data, the following criteria must be met:
• The PC running Delegate Database is properly connected to the DCN
• The current names file is in operational mode.
NOTE: If a ‘Current Names File’ is selected from the main menu of the
Startup program, Delegate Database will open in operational mode. Data
from the selected names file will be displayed in the main window. If you open
or create a names file other then the ‘Current Names File’ specified in
Startup, the Delegate Database application switches to Preparation mode.
• All values specified for PIN code, card code and seat number are valid
and those for card code and seat number are unique.
• There is no other names file currently being downloaded.
• The delegate data you wish to download is different from the data of the
previous successful downloading.
NOTE: The ‘All’ sub-menu option is only possible if no voting process is tak-
ing place, and if any attendance registration or access control requirements
(specified in the Attendance Registration module) are not active. The ‘One’
sub-menu option is only possible if no voting process is taking place.
• Click on the ‘Apply’ menu option and select either ‘All’ or ‘One’.
The data in the current names file relevant to the CCU will be downloaded.
This data will then be used by the DCN system for controlling and moni-
toring conference proceedings, where applicable.
Delegate Database Digital Congress Network
Software User Manual Page 4-2