NOTE: The latest versions of DCN units with an ID-card reader are
equipped with a chip-card reader. The address of the card code on the chip
card is configurable. The default address is 25. To change the default value,
the following line must be added in the [Startup] section of the DCN.INI file
in the Windows directory:
DataStart= #
where # is the specified address of the card code.
NOTE: The Read Card push button allows you to automatically read the
code on an ID-card with the ID-card encoder.
• The vote weight facility increases the voting power of delegates by assign-
ing a value greater than one to their vote. This is often used in sharehold-
er meetings. It is possible to specify a vote weight between one and
100,000,000. Normal delegates have a vote weight of one.
In the ‘Vote Weight’ field, the default value is always one. For the other
three fields, the system generates a list of available values. These values do
not appear automatically on-screen, but can be selected by clicking on the
up or down scroll buttons to the right of each field. These values can be
altered, if required, but any new values entered must be valid. The data
fields contained within the personal data dialogue box are all user-specified.
The only restriction on entries in these fields is the number of characters.
Defining conference data options
It is possible to define parameters relating to certain conference data fields.
These parameters are:
• ‘Country’ option list contents
• ‘Interpretation’ option list contents
• ‘Group’ option list contents
• ‘Title’ option list contents
• PIN code length
• ID-card label contents
• Screen line contents
Editing screen-card fields - this option allows you to edit the option lists
contained within screen-card fields. The fields that can be edited are:
• ‘Group’
• ‘Title’
• ‘Country’
• ‘Interpretation’
Delegate Database Digital Congress Network
Software User Manual Page 3-14