
To alter the lengths of the fields:
Drag the block located between the two fields in the required direction.
Dragging the block to the left decreases the length of the first field (and
therefore increases the length of the second). Dragging to the right increases
the length of the first field (and therefore decreases the length of the sec-
ond). Once all fields have been specified:
Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.
Entering conference data
If you are working with a new screen card, all conference data fields in the
main window (except ‘Vote Weight’) will be empty.
If you have opened an existing names file, or used the ‘Previous Name’ or
‘Next Name’ button, the conference data fields will display the data already
specified for those fields. You can edit some or all of the fields simply by
typing over the existing data.
Whether you are working in a new screen card or an existing one, a text
insertion point is located in the ‘Last Name’ text box.
To input data in the ‘Last Name’ field:
Type the desired last name in the text box.
Press the <Tab> key on the keyboard.
The text insertion point will now be located in the ‘First Name’ text box.
Digital Congress Network Delegate Database
Page 3-21 Software User Manual
Fig. 14 New screen card fields Fig. 15 Existing screen card fields