RGB Color
The RGB Color settings affect the color treatment for object types and determines how colors are
rendered. The options are Default (sRGB), Vivid, and Device.
■ Default (sRGB). This option interprets RGB color space (sRGB), which is the accepted standard
for many software companies and organizations such as Microsoft and the World Wide Web
Consortium. Default (sRGB) is the default setting for all components.
■ Vivid. This option sets the printer to increase the color saturation in the midtones. Less colorful
objects are rendered more colorfully. This value is recommended for printing business graphics.
NOTE This setting uses the SRGB color table for the HP Color LaserJet 2820/2830/2840
■ Device. This option sets the printer to print RGB data in raw device mode. To render photographs
correctly when this option is selected, you must manage color in the software program in which you
are working or in the operating system.
NOTE If your software program converts text and graphics to raster, the Photographs settings
also control the Text and Graphics settings.
Print in Grayscale
Select Print in Grayscale to print a color document in black and white. This option is useful for
previewing preliminary copies of slides and hardcopy output quickly or for color documents that will be
photocopied or faxed.
Printer Properties tab set
The printer Properties tab set contain information about and options for configuring the printer. To gain
access to the printer Properties tabs, click Start on the Windows task bar, click Settings, and then click
Printers for Windows 2000 or Printers and Faxes for Windows XP. Right-click the printer name, and
then click Properties.
The following HP print driver tabs are included in the printer Properties tab set.
■ Device Settings tab features
■ About tab features
NOTE Windows also has tabs in the printer Properties tab set. For information about those
tabs, see the documentation that came with your computer.
Device Settings
The Device Settings tab contains controls for media-handling devices and controls for managing the
HP Color LaserJet 2820/2830/2840 all-in-one.
Various options are available on the Device Settings tab depending on whether you are using the
HP PCL 6 Unidriver or the PS Emulation Unidriver. The following illustrations show the Device
Settings tab for each of these drivers.
HP PCL 6 and PS emulation unidriver features (for Windows 2000 and Windows XP)
Windows HP unidriver