
WAN port [2]:
Timeout (secs) [20] ?
Clock Source (INT/EXT) [INT]:
Internal Clock Speed 1
Interface IP address:
IP mask [FFFFFF00]:
Load Cfg from host:
Via gateway:
Config file name: ibmMRNS.cfg
Using Serial Line at ( 0, 0).
Trying host via
file ibmMRNS.cfg
Receiving config memory image
Starting at 1040000
Copyright Notices:
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1997
MOS Operator Control
CC (Clear Configuration Memory)
Attention: Issuing this command will cause all configuration information to be lost.
This command clears the configuration in memory. Enter cc at the boot prompt (>).
The software prompts you for basic router information as follows:
Are you sure you want to clear config memory?
ZB (ZModem Boot)
Downloads and uploads router code through the console port.
1. Enter ZB at the boot prompt (>) and the console displays:
Are you sure you want to load via the console?
2. Enter y and the console displays the message:
Okay, GO!!
3. Press Return to start the operation. The operation is completed when the
system prompt (>) appears on the screen.
Note: Refer to the documentation supplied with your ZModem software for the
ZModem commands to use at your console terminal.
ZC (ZModem configuration memory load)
Loads configuration memory through the console port.
Note: This option requires that the remote boot server support ZModem software.
1. Enter ZC at the boot prompt (>). The console displays the following prompt:
Are you sure you want to load config memory via the console?
2. Enter y. The console displays the message:
Okay, GO!!
3. Press Return to start the operation. The operation is completed when the boot
prompt appears on the screen.
124 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide