
Remote Username
When authentication is required on the link, this field shows the
name that the peer supplied.
Last Identification Rx’d
An optional packet type that is defined for LCP is an “Identification”
packet. The contents of this packet are undefined but are normally
expected to be a human-readable string provided by the peer to
give some identifying information such as a name, manufacturer,
model number, or other information the manufacturer wishes to
provide. If the router receives such a packet, the contents of the
last such packet received are displayed here.
Time Connected
Indicates how long the peer has been connected on this link.
LCP Option
These fields indicate the values of options that have been
negotiated with the peer when LCP is in the Open state. When LCP
is not open, these values represent initial defaults or configured
values that will be used in subsequent LCP negotiations.
Max Receive Unit
Indicates the maximum length for the packet size that the local and
remote ends can transmit. This is the maximum length of the
payload portion of a PPP packet and it does not include PPP
header and trailer bytes.
When LCP is in an Open state, the values indicate the lengths that
have been negotiated with the peer. The router does not support
differing MRU lengths for the peer and local end, so these values
will be the same.
Async Character Mask
This indicates the asynchronous control character mask that has
been negotiated. The router accepts ACCM negotiation even on
synchronous lines, although this does not affect the actual packet
data sent. See the set lcp options command on page 479 for
more information about the ACCM.
Indicates which authentication protocol, if any, each end of the link
requires. Multiple protocols may be available at each end; this value
indicates which protocol the units agreed to use.
Magic number
Displays the current magic number being used for both the local
and remote ends of the link for loopback detection.
Protocol compression
Indicates whether PFC has been negotiated.
Address/Control compression
Indicates whether ACFC has been negotiated.
32-bit checksum
Not currently supported. PPP will reject this option if it is received.
Example of the List Control BCP Command
Monitoring PPP Interfaces (Talk 5)
Chapter 33. Configuring and Monitoring Point-to-Point Protocol Interfaces 489