
Group Poll
Address used for the group poll feature for multipoint link configurations.
Secondary stations having group inclusion coded as yes will respond to
unnumbered polls received from this address. This address must be
non-null for the group poll feature to be in effect for any secondary stations
under this link. Each secondary station will still have a unique station
address in addition to the group address.
Cable Specifies the type of cable in use (RS-232, V.35, V.36, or X.21).
Configures the SDLC transmission encoding scheme as NRZ (Non-Return
to Zero) or NRZI (Non-Return to Zero Inverted).
Interface clocking, EXTERNAL or INTERNAL.
Frame Size
The maximum frame size that can be sent over the interface.
All the timers listed below have a 100ms resolution.
XID/TEST resp.
The time to wait for an XID or TEST response message before
retransmitting the XID or TEST frame. A value of 0 indicates that the router
will continue to retry indefinitely.
SNRM response
The maximum time to wait for an UA response message before the station
retransmits SNRM(E).
Poll response
The maximum time to wait for a response from any polled station before
Inter-poll delay
The amount of time the router (configured with a primary role) waits after
receiving a response, before polling the next station.
RTS hold delay
The amount of time that the primary router waits before dropping RTS low
after the transmission of a frame. The RTS hold delay parameter is specific
to half-duplex operation.
Interframe delay
The number of flags sent between frames.
Inactivity timeout
For idle NRM/E secondary stations, sets the time after which the interface
changes the station to its recovery state. A 0 (zero) causes the station to
remain idle indefinitely.
XID/TEST retry
The maximum number of times the router sends an XID or TEST frame
without receiving a response before timing out. A value of 0 indicates that
the router will retry indefinitely.
Configuring SDLC Interfaces
Chapter 38. Configuring and Monitoring SDLC Interfaces 543