
OPCON commands
reload 32
restart 32
status 32
summary of 27
talk 34
telnet 34
OPCON interface
configuring 27
OPCON process
accessing 27
commands available from 27
description 25
getting back to 11
summary 7
orphan permanent virtual circuits
Frame Relay 390
orphan switched virtual circuits
Frame Relay 391
OSI Control Protocol (OSICP)
for PPP 463
OSPF 665
discarding 29
sending to other consoles 28
suspending 29
binary synchronous communications relay (BRLY)
ELS net filter configuration commands 181
ELS net filter monitoring commands 207
of software 7
virtual connections (VC) 463
overview of LAN emulation 255
packet completion codes 150
packet forwarder
entering CONFIG environment for 74
Token-Ring configuration command 226
packet trace
packet trace monitoring command 195
packet trace messages
tracing packets 195
packet trace monitoring commands
off 205
on 205
packet Trace 195
reset 206
set 206
subsystems 206
trace-status 207
view 207
PAP authentication for PPP 456
parameter defaults
X.25 320
configuring 75
event number 149
for LAN emulation 272
ISDN monitoring command 638
key LAN emulation 255
V.25bis monitoring commands 589
V.34 monitoring commands 605
X.25 monitoring command 354
password, setting for user 57
passwords 5
CONFIG command 72
EasyStart command 31
perf command 216
configuring 215
performance configuration commands
disable 216
enable 216
list 216
set 217
summary 216
performance monitoring commands
accessing 217
disable 218
enable 218
list 218
report 218
set 218
summary of 217
Ethernet configuration command 252
pin parameter
setting 177
Point-to-Point configuration commands
accessing 466
list 470
LLC 474
summary of 466
Point-to-Point interfaces
configuring 465
Point-to-Point network interface
using 449
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) 462
accessing the configuration process 465
address fields 451
AppleTalk Control Protocol 461
APPN HPR Control Protocol 463
APPN ISR Control Protocol 463
authentication 455
Banyan Vines Control Protocol (BVCP) 461
Bridging Control Protocol (BCP) 461
Callback Control Protocol (CBCP) 461
control field 451
DECnet Control Protocol (DNCP) 461
flag fields 451
frame check sequence field 451
frame structure 450
information field 451
IPv6 Control Protocol (IPv6CP) 462
IPX Control Protocol (IPXCP) 463
LCP packets 453
Index 727