The following example adds a dial circuit interface:
Config> add device dial-circuit
Enter the number of PPP Dial Circuit interfaces [1]?
Adding device as interface 8
Base net for this circuit[0]?4
Defaulting Data-link protocol to PPP
Use "set data-link" command to change the data-link protocol
Use "net 8" command to configure circuit parameters
b. The following example adds a dial-in circuit:
Config>add device dial-in
Enter the number of dial-in interfaces [1]?
Adding device as interface 5
Base net for this circuit [0]? 5
Defaulting Data-link protocol to PPP
Use "set data-link" command to change the data-link protocol
Use "net 5" command to configure circuit parameters
c. The following example adds a dial-out circuit:
Note: The dial-out device type is only supported if the software load
includes the DIALs feature.
Config>add device dial-out*
Enter the number of dial-out interfaces [1]?
Adding device as interface 6*
Base net for this circuit [0]? 4
Defaulting Data-link protocol to Dial-out*
Use "net 6" command to configure circuit parameters*
d. Multilink PPP
The following example adds a multilink PPP interface:
Config>add device multilink-ppp
Enter the number of Multilink PPP interfaces [1]?
Adding device as interface 7
Defaulting Data-link protocol to PPP
Use "net 7" command to configure circuit parameters
a. Interfaces are automatically created for the base ports and ports on an
adapter inserted into the feature slot for those models that have a feature
slot, so you only need to use the add device command to create virtual
interfaces. The examples below show the types of virtual interfaces that can
be added.
b. When you create interfaces for serial adapters or dial circuits, the default
data-link type is PPP. However, you can use the set data-link command to
change the data-link type. Refer to Table 2 on page 17 for the data-link types
supported on serial ports and dial circuits, and to the description of the set
data-link command on page 75.
2. At the Config> prompt, enter the list devices command to display the network
interface numbers for which the router is currently configured, as follows:
Config> list devices
Ifc 0 Ethernet CSR 81600, CSR2 80C00, vector 94
Ifc 1 WAN X.25 CSR 81620, CSR2 80D00, vector 93
Ifc 2 WAN X.25 CSR 81640, CSR2 80E00, vector 92
Ifc 3 WAN PPP CSR 381620, CSR2 380D00, vector 125
Ifc 4 WAN Frame Relay CSR 381640, CSR2 380E00, vector 124
Ifc 5 Token Ring CSR 600000, vector 95
3. Record the interface numbers.
4. Enter the CONFIG network command and the number of the interface you want
to configure. For example:
Config> network 1
The appropriate configuration prompt (such as TKR Config> for token-ring), now
displays on the console.
16 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide