
v APPN Intermediate Session Routing Control Protocol (APPN ISRCP)
AppleTalk Control Protocol
ATCP is specified in Request for Comments (RFC) 1378. IBM’s implementation of
ATCP supports the AppleTalk-Address option. The implementation supports both full
router mode and half router mode. For additional information, refer to “AppleTalk
over PPP” in
Protocol Configuration and Monitoring Reference Volume 2
Banyan VINES Control Protocol
RFC 1763 describes BVCP. IBM’s implementation of BVCP does not support any
Bridging Protocols
Bridging Control Protocol (BCP) is specified in RFC 1638. IBM’s implementation of
BCP supports the IEEE 802.5 Line Identification Option and the Tinygram
Compression Option.
NetBIOS Control Protocol (NBCP) is a proprietary NCP developed by Shiva
Corporation and used by the IBM Dial In Access to LAN Client for OS/2, DOS and
Windows for single-user dial-in. NBCP is used to transport NetBIOS and LLC/802.2
bridged traffic from these clients, dialed into a 2210 DIALs Server, onto an attached
LAN. IBM’s implementation of NBCP supports the MAC-Address and NetBIOS
Name Projection options.
NetBIOS Frame Control Protocol (NBFCP) is specified in RFC 2097. NBFCP is
used by Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT Dial-Up Networking clients for
single-user dial-in. NBFCP is used to transport NetBIOS bridged traffic from these
clients, dialed into a 2210 DIALs Server, onto an attached LAN. IBM’s
implementation of NBFCP supports the Name-Projection, Peer-Information and
IEEE-MAC-Address-Required options.
Callback Control Protocol
Note: CBCP is only available on interfaces that have IBM DIALs Dial-in circuits
Callback Control Protocol (CBCP) is used by Microsoft Dial-Up Networking clients
to negotiate callback. The 2210 supports callback to a single user-specified number
(roaming callback) and callback to an administrator-specified number (required
callback). The CBCP option of calling a list of numbers is not supported.
PPP users that want to use CBCP callback must have some form of authentication
enabled (like PAP, CHAP, SPAP or MS-CHAP). There are no configuration
parameters for CBCP. (The client determines when it is used.) See “Configuring
PPP Callback” on page 459 for information about configuring PPP users for
DECnet IV Control Protocol
DNCP is specified in RFC 1762. IBM’s implementation does not support any DNCP
Using PPP
Chapter 32. Using Point-to-Point Protocol Interfaces 461