Multiprotocol Routing Services
2210-MRS Feature 3768 V3.2 Mod 0 PTF 0 RPQ 0 MRS.E00 cc4_2a
Boot ROM version 1.20 Watchdog timer enabled Auto-boot enabled
Time: 15:46:12 Friday September 20, 1996 Console baud rate: 9600
Num Name Protocol
3 ARP Address Resolution
11 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
12 OSPF Open SPF-Based Routing Protocol
23 ASRT Adaptive Source Routing Transparent Enhanced Bridge
26 DLS Data Link Switching
Num Name Feature
2 MCF MAC Filtering
3 Networks:
Net Interface MAC/Data-Link Hardware State
0 TKR/0 Token-Ring/802.5 Token-Ring Up
1 Eth/0 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 Ethernet/802.3 Up
2 PPP/0 Point to Point SCC Serial Line Up
v The first line gives the product name.
v The second line lists the program/product number, Feature Number, Version,
Release, PTF and RPQ information.
v The third line displays the version of the Boot PROM (Programmable Read Only
Memory) that is currently installed in the router, and the current settings of the
Watchdog Timer and Autoboot switches.
v The fourth line displays the date and time, and the current console baud rate
settings for DTE and DCE, respectively.
v The remaining lines list the configured protocols, followed by the configured
The following information is displayed for protocols:
Num Number that is associated with the protocol.
Name Abbreviated name of the protocol.
Full name of the protocol.
The following information is displayed for features:
Num Number associated with the feature.
Name Abbreviated name of the feature.
Full name of the feature.
The following information is displayed for networks:
Net Network number that the software assigns to the interface. Networks are
numbered starting at 0. These numbers correspond to the interface
numbers discussed under the CONFIG process.
Name of the interface and instance of this type of interface.
MAC/Data Link
Type of MAC/Data link configured for the interface.
Specific kind of interface by hardware type.
GWCON Process
Chapter 10. The Operating/Monitoring Process (GWCON - Talk 5) and Commands 131