delay is not sufficient to allow a response from the 2210 to another device.
You cannot set
leading flags
to a non-zero value if
delay is 0.
Valid values: 0to15
Default value: 0
set link leading flags
Leading flag counter [0]?
link modulo 8 or 128
Specifies the sequence number range to use on the link: MOD 8 (0-7) or
MOD 128 (0 - 127). Default is 8.
Note: When you change this value, the window sizes become invalid. Use
the set station command to change the receive window and
transmit window sizes. Valid window sizes for mod 8 are 0 through 7;
for mod 128 they are 8 through 127.
Also, at connection start-up, an SNRME rather than a SNRM is used and
supervisory frame headers are expanded by an additional byte.
link name
Establishes a character string for the link that you are configuring. This
parameter is for informational purposes only.
set link name
Enter link name: [LINK_0]?
link poll delay
Configures the time delay between each poll that is sent over the interface.
set link poll delay
Enter delay between polls [0.2]?
link poll retry
Configures the number of times the interface retries to poll the secondary
SDLC link station before it closes the connection.
set link poll retry
Enter poll retry count (0 = forever) [10]?
link poll timeout
Configures the amount of time the interface waits for a poll response before
timing out.
set link poll timeout
Enter poll timeout [2.0]?
link role
Configures the interface as an SDLC primary, secondary, or negotiable link
station (default is primary).
1. For DLSw,
uses X'FF' (broadcast address) for the initial poll.
When using broadcast address to negotiate the role, the link uses a
default SDLC configuration.
is the link role, the link performs an initial poll to a
specific address.
Configuring SDLC Interfaces
Chapter 38. Configuring and Monitoring SDLC Interfaces 547