9 – Specifications : Messages and troubleshooting
110 TASCAM DM-3200 Owner’s Manual
Effect BANK a-bbb
Effect Type: TASCAM Delay
Create data: DEC/15/2004
Project Name: PROJECT ORCA
Project FS: 44.1kHz
Press ENTER to continue.
Information about a library entry (compressor/expander)
Effect Preset 1-bbb recalled
To Effectx
A library preset entry has been recalled (effect).
Effectx redo completed.
Shown when undoing or redoing effect library operations.
Effectx undo completed.
EQ Library
Bank a-bbb recalled.
A library entry has been recalled (EQ).
EQ Library
Preset 1-bbb is Read-only!
An attempt has been made to store to a protected library entry (EQ).
EQ Library
Preset 1-bbb recalled.
A library entry has been recalled (EQ).
EQ Library Preset a-bbb
Press ENTER to continue.
Information about a library preset entry (EQ).
EQ Library BANK a-bbb
Create data : DEC/15/2004
20: 35: 45
Project Name: PROJECT ORCA
Project FS: 44.1kHz
Press ENTER to continue.
Information about a library entry (EQ).
Format CF Card?
All data on the card will be deleted.
Press ENTER to confirm,
or a cursor key to cancel.
Confirmation before formatting a CF card.
Format CF Card?
Press ENTER to confirm,
or a cursor key to cancel.
Format failed.
Press ENTER to confirm,
or a cursor key to cancel.
A CF card format operation has failed.
Formatting now.
Please do not turn off power
while formatting.
Warning not to remove power while card is being formatted.
Fs has changed.
Mixer will reboot.
Press ENTER to confirm
or a cursor key to cancel.
Notice to restart the DM-3200 following a change of sampling frequency.
GATE Library Preset a-bbb
Press ENTER to continue.
Information about a library preset entry (gate).
GATE Library
Bank a-bbb recalled.
A library entry has been recalled (gate).
GATE Library
Preset 1-bbb is Read-only!
An attempt has been made to store to a protected library entry (EQ).
GATE Library
Preset a-bbb recalled.
A library preset entry has been recalled (gate).
Action Message Meaning
Table 9.2: Popup messages