4 – Routing & assignment : Routing
48 TASCAM DM-3200 User’s Manual
Note that linked modules allow you to select indepen-
dent sources.
Also note that while the same source may be routed to
more than one destination layer (you might want to try
recording a vocal line with different compression set-
tings, for example), a destination layer can only accept
one source (of course!).
Batch routing It may be a little troublesome at
times to select eight consecutive inputs and then
route them to eight separate consecutive destinations.
To set up eight input/destinations at one time, move
the cursor down to the batch setup area at the bottom
center of the screen (
3 in Figure 4.2, Routing inputs).
The destination is on the right and the source is on
the left.
1 Move the cursor to the destination field and
use the dial and
ENTER key to select eight des-
tinations (not in dynamic trigger layer selec-
2 Move the cursor to the input source selection
on the left.
3 Use the dial to select a group of eight inputs
from the input source selected using POD 3
(some input sources have only eight inputs
anyway and in double-frequency mode some
sources may only have four inputs). You can
use POD 3 to select another input source.
4 Press
ENTER. When you press ENTER, the
eight input sources are assigned in order to the
eight destinations.
Flipping the channels It is possible to “flip”
channel inputs between the input and return sources
(so that the “input” source becomes the “return” and
vice versa) on an individual basis within the
screens (see “INPUT/RETURN selection” on
page 70), but it is sometimes convenient to be able to
do this for batches of eight channels at a time.
This is done from this
INPUT screen using the BATCH
at the bottom of the screen. Of course this can
only be done for channels 1 through 32, as these are
the only ones for which the input and return sources
may be selected.
1 Use the dial to select the destination field (the
left field) and confirm with
2 Move to the on-screen button
(inverts the sources) and press
popup appears asking for confirmation. Press
ENTER again to flip the selected eight chan-
nels (a cursor key cancels).
Loopback options The loopback options provide
even more flexibility in internal routing, but they
should be approached with caution.
They allow the sixteen busses, aux 1 through 8 or ste-
reo buss, or the direct channel outputs of the first 32
channels (similar to direct outputs on an analog con-
sole) to be used as input sources to channels.
The display shows
Bx/Dy (x can be from 1 through 16
and is repeated twice, while
y is from 1 through 32,
B1/D17) or BUSS 1 through BUSS 16 or AUX 1
AUX 8 or STEREO L or STEREO R when a loop-
back routing is selected.
When a channel has a direct output selected, the
direct output from that channel overrides the corre-
spondingly-numbered buss.
The direct option allows the selection of only the
direct module outputs (1–32) as sources. Note that
the selection of
DIRECT as a channel destination,
using the selection keys, removes the channel from
the busses.
As the name of these loopback options suggests, they
allow flexible internal repatching, which could result in
a loop whereby the output of a buss also acts as an
input to the same buss, resulting in a feedback loop.
When monitoring, this can result in damage to hearing
and monitoring equipment.
Before using these options, we suggest that you work
out on paper what exactly you are trying to achieve,
and it may help if you draw a diagram to help you work
out the ultimate sources and destinations of the routing
in your system.
Digital input selection At the bottom right of
this screen, the physical connector (
XLR or RCA) for
each of the stereo digital inputs can be selected.