
TASCAM DM-3200 User’s Manual 91
7 – MIDI
As well as the MIDI ports, the DM-3200 can pass MIDI to and from a PC connected using the USB connec-
tion (as well as through a FireWire connection if an optional FireWire interface card is fitted). This section
explains some of the ways in which the card is used.
MIDI port switching and filtering
Press the MIDI key and navigate to the SETUP page to
bring up the following screen:
The three boxes to the left of the screen (
and MIDI THRU/MTC) refer to the three physical
MIDI connectors on the rear panel.
HOST PORT boxes on the right of the screen refer
to the different virtual MIDI ports carried between
the DM-3200 and the host PC, either through the
built-in USB, or through the optional FireWire card.
Use the
HOST PORT parameter to select the vir-
tual MIDI port carrier: either
USB or FW1 (if
optional FireWire cards have been fitted).
The different virtual MIDI ports are dedicated to dif-
ferent tasks. Working from the top of the screen (the
numbers in parentheses refer to the port numbers
shown in a DAW application, etc.:
I/O (2) handles MIDI messages, bypassing the
mixer section, and acting through the DM-3200’s
physical MIDI ports.
P. C . (4) handles Program Change messages only.
TMC (1) is reserved for communication with the PC
software (TASCAM Mixer Companion)
REM1(5) and REM2 (6) are bi-directional ports that
may be used for remote MIDI control of the DM-
3200 or the DM-3200 to control another device.
MTC (3) is a dedicated MIDI Time Code port.
Enable and disable these ports, along with the
physical MIDI ports, by using the cursor keys
ENTER key to open and close the on-
screen switches. Note that the
TMC connection
1) cannot be turned off.
FILTER boxes allow the following MIDI messages
to be passed (checked) or blocked (unchecked): Con-
trol change (
C.Cng), Program change (P. Cn g), MIDI
Machine Control (
MMC), MIDI Timecode (MTC), and
other messages (
The first part of the filter block refers to those mes-
sages received at the physical
MIDI IN and transmit-
ted to the virtual
I/O port, as well as those MIDI
messages that go the other way (from the I/O port to
the physical
MIDI OUT). Note that both the physical
and virtual switches must be set here for data to go
between these ports.
The next part of the block governs the filtering
between the physical
MIDI IN port and the mixer.
The final part of the filter block governs the filtering
of the MIDI data sent out by the mixer from the phys-
MIDI OUT port.
Below the filter is the 4-way switch (use the wheel
ENTER key to set this up) allowing switching
OFF — no MIDI data is sent from the THRU port
THRU — the data received at the physical MIDI IN is
echoed through the THRU port
INT MTC — the internal MIDI timecode generator’s
output is sent through the
THRU port
USB MTC — the MIDI timecode received at the USB
MTC port is echoed at the THRU port
Finally at the bottom, the slot FireWire card MIDI
connection can be switched on and off.
Figure 7.1: MIDI setup