3 – Connections : Digital connections
TASCAM DM-3200 User’s Manual 41
Digital I/O setup
After the connections have been made, the inputs and
outputs can be set up for use.
Press the
DIGITAL key (ROUTING with the ALT indi-
cator lit) so that the
SETUP screen appears:
This screen allows the viewing and changing of the
parameters relating to the two digital audio inputs
and outputs as well as the three built-in TDIF con-
There are a number of on-screen
DETAIL buttons
which, when pressed, show a popup with details of
the word length, sampling frequency data format, etc.
of the appropriate input or output.
Digital inputs The word length (16BIT or 24BIT)
and the input selected using the routing screens (
RCA) are automatically determined and displayed.
Also, in the case of a “double-speed” input (that is,
88.2 kHz or 96 kHz), the display shows
erwise it shows
The DM-3200 includes a frequency converter, which
is capable of taking an input frequency of 44.1, 48,
88.2 or 96 kHz (±6%) and converting it to the project
frequency. Use the on-screen
FS CONVERT button to
turn the converter on and off.
The signal from any input used with a sampling fre-
quency converter cannot be used as a sync clock source
(see “Clock setting” on page 44).
The 24bit Fix checkbox allows the input of 16-bit data
at these connectors and removes any inconsistencies
associated with spurious status information, fixing
the word length at 24 bits.
Mute Defeat The Mute Defeat checkbox should
normally be left unchecked. In the event of bad digi-
tal audio data being received (out of range, or cor-
rupt, etc.), the DM-3200 will usually mute the input
to prevent possible damage to monitoring equipment.
However, this automatic muting can be turned off
with this checkbox. Some AES/EBU sources pro-
duce data which does not quite conform to the AES/
EBU standards, and will cause the DM-3200 to reject
these sources, and mute the input, even though such
data is actually valid.
Note that an appropriate popup appears if invalid
audio data is received, informing you of the type of
error and the input at which the bad data is received.
The output channels are determined automatically
(either as stereo or 2 x mono) according to the output
routing (see “Output routing” on page 49, but the for-
mat is set between
AES/EBU and S/PDIF using the dial
ENTER key.
The TDIF inputs automatically detect sampling fre-
quency, etc. but you may want to set the word length
(16, 20 or 24 bits) using the dial and
that the three TDIF terminals can take different word
Stereo output Finally, the format of the output
from the stereo buss when it is routed to a digital out-
put can be decided here. The word length can be set
at 24 bits, or reduced to 16 bits.
If the word length of the digital stereo buss is reduced
to 16 bits, there are three options available:
Dither, and Noise Shape.
A full discussion of the principles involved here is
outside the scope of this manual. Many of the books
from Focal Press provide excellent background infor-
mation on digital audio, timecode issues, etc.
Figure 3.3: DIGITAL SETUP screen