Basic Features of VF08
Input monitor and Repro monitor
EventAdditional track
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4
Track 5
Track 6
Track 7
Track 8
Track 9
Track 10
Track 11
Track 12
Track 13
Track 14
Track 15
Track 16
Track 17
Track 18
Track 19
Track 20
Track 21
Track 22
Track 23
Track 24
A program on the VF08 consists of 24 tracks. Tracks
1 through 8 are called "Real tracks" which you can
record, playback and edit. Tracks 9 through 24 are
called "Additional tracks". Using the "Track Exchange"
function, you can exchange between "real track(s)"
and "additional track(s)" in one-track, 2-track or 8-
track block.
This makes it possible to record solo on several tracks,
exchange tracks and compare the results, or to record
different rhythm versions using multiple tracks, ex-
change the rhythm tracks completely and making a
remix version.
Note that tracks 9 through 24 cannot be recorded,
played or edited. The tracks you want to work with
must be set as tracks 1 through 8.
There are two modes for monitoring a track of the
VF08 ; "Repro monitor" and "Input monitor".
"Repro monitor" means that the track playback sig-
nal is monitored.
"Input monitor" means that the input source of the
track is monitored. You can check the signal level for
recording in this mode.
Input monitor is only available for tracks to be re-
corded (on REC standby) or currently being recorded.
Each time you make a recording, an independent
audio file is created on each recorded track. A silent
part on a track is also recognized as a file. These files
(audio files and silent files) are called "events".
With the VF08, you can create up to 512 events per
track. You cannot make any further recording when
512 events are created. In the normal use, 512 events
are enough.
The VF08 can show the current number of events on
the LCD. It also shows a warning message if you are
going to make recording when 512 events already
exist. You may resolve this problem by saving the
program (see "Save/Load of a program").
Let's count the events for each recording step (A
through E) below.
A.Before recording, there is a single event (silent file) on the track
(the VF08 recognizes a silent part as a file).
B.After making a recording (REC B), there are two events on
the track; the recorded audio file and the following silent part.
C.After making another recording (REC C) continuously from
the end point of REC B, there are three events on the track;
two audio files and the following silent part.
D.After locating a point ahead of REC C and then making an
other recording (REC D), there are totally five events on the
track. Note that a silent file is created between Rec C and Rec
E.After making a recording (REC E) over REC B and REC C,
there are four events on the track.
Signal input in the recorder
Signal output from the recorder
1 track
5 track
6 track
3 track
4 track
Playback sound (Playback monitor)
Playback sound (Playback monitor)
Playback sound (Playback monitor)
Input signal (Input monitor)
Input signal (Input monitor)
2 track
Playback sound (Playback monitor)
7 track
8 track
Playback sound (Playback monitor)
Playback sound (Playback monitor)
A Silence
B SilenceRec B
C Rec B Rec C Silence
D Rec B Rec C Silence SilenceRec D
E Rec E Silence SilenceRec D
8 track block exchange
8 track block exchange
2 track block exchange
One track exchange