
Oxygen 88 User Guide 15
Bank MSB
The Bank MSB function sends bank change messages on the Global MIDI channel. These messages are used to
access additional banks of sound patches, if available, on virtual instruments or sound modules.
Refer to the documentation for the virtual instrument or synthesizer to confirm it will respond to these messages.
1. Press the Advanced button.
2. Press the Bank MSB key - the LED screen will display the last sent Bank MSB number (for example, ".0.1.").
3. Enter the new Bank MSB number using the number keys.
4. Press the Enter key.
NOTE: Bank MSB messages will not have any effect until they are followed by a Program Change message. For
more information on Bank MSB messages, please refer to "Chapter 10: MIDI Messages Defined" on page 34.
Press the Advanced button followed by the Panic key to send an "All Notes Off" message on all 16 MIDI channels. This
stops any stuck notes that continue to play even after their keys have been released.
Velocity Curve
The Velocity Curve Select key (VEL CURVE) is used for changing the touch sensitivity of the keyboard. This setting lets
you decide how the force with which you hit a key affects the volume at which a note plays. Oxygen 88 provides 7
different sensitivity options:
1 = C1 is a sensitivity setting that generates lower velocity values for the same force. This setting is useful for playing
more quietly, even if you tend to strike the keys harder.
2 = C2 is the default setting, and is designed to be useful for most players with an "average" touch (people who play
with an average amount of force).
3 = C3 is a sensitivity setting that generates higher velocity values for the same force. This setting is useful for playing
more loudly, even if you tend to strike the keys with less force.
4 = C4 is a sensitivity setting that generates an equal velocity value for a given amount of force, resulting in a linear
(or neutral) keyboard response.
5 = F1 is a setting that effectively disables sensitivity, meaning the keyboard will generate a fixed velocity value of 64
(on a scale of 0-127) regardless of how hard or soft the keys are struck.
6 = F2 is a setting that effectively disables sensitivity, meaning the keyboard will generate a fixed velocity value of 100
(on a scale of 0-127) regardless of how hard or soft the keys are struck.
7 = F3 is a setting that effectively disables sensitivity, meaning the keyboard will generate a fixed velocity value of 127
(on a scale of 0-127) regardless of how hard or soft the keys are struck.