Type field
Attribute type
Type field
Attribute type
10 Framed-Routing 32 NAS-Identifier
11 Filter-ID 33 Proxy-State
12 Framed-MTU 34 Login-LAT-Service
13 Framed-Compression 35 Login-LAT-Node
14 Login-IP-Host 36 Login-LAT-Group
15 Login-Service 37 Framed-AppleTalk-Link
16 Login-TCP-Port 38 Framed-AppleTalk-Network
17 (unassigned) 39 Framed-AppleTalk-Zone
18 Reply-Message 40-59 (reserved for accounting)
19 Callback-Number 60 CHAP-Challenge
20 Callback-ID 61 NAS-Port-Type
21 (unassigned) 62 Port-Limit
22 Framed-Route 63 Login-LAT-Port
The RADIUS protocol has good scalability. Attribute 26 (Vender-Specific) defined in this protocol allows
a device vendor to extend RADIUS to implement functions that are not defined in standard RADIUS.
Figure 1-4 depicts the format of attribute 26. The Vendor-ID field used to identify a vendor occupies four
bytes, where the first byte is 0, and the other three bytes are defined in RFC 1700. Here, the vendor can
encapsulate multiple customized sub-attributes (containing vendor-specific Type, Length and Value) to
implement a RADIUS extension.
Figure 1-4 Vendor-specific attribute format
715 31
Vendor-ID Type (specified) Length (specified)
Specified attribute value……