
z The MIB view name is mib_a, which includes all objects of the subtree org
z The SNMPv3 user is user_a, which belongs to the group group_a.
# Create a community with the name of read_a, allowing read-only access right using this community
[test_0.Sysname-cluster] cluster-snmp-agent community read read_a
Member 2 succeeded in the read-community configuration.
Member 1 succeeded in the read-community configuration.
Finish to synchronize the command.
# Create a community with the name of write_a, allowing read and write access right using this
community name.
[test_0.Sysname-cluster] cluster-snmp-agent community write write_a
Member 2 succeeded in the write-community configuration.
Member 1 succeeded in the write-community configuration.
Finish to synchronize the command.
# Create an SNMP group group_a.
[test_0.Sysname-cluster] cluster-snmp-agent group v3 group_a
Member 2 succeeded in the group configuration.
Member 1 succeeded in the group configuration.
Finish to synchronize the command.
# Create a MIB view mib_a, which includes all objects of the subtree org.
[test_0.Sysname-cluster] cluster-snmp-agent mib-view included mib_a org
Member 2 succeeded in the mib-view configuration.
Member 1 succeeded in the mib-view configuration.
Finish to synchronize the command.
# Add a user user_a to the SNMPv3 group group_a.
[test_0.Sysname-cluster] cluster-snmp-agent usm-user v3 user_a group_a
Member 2 succeeded in the usm-user configuration.
Member 1 succeeded in the usm-user configuration.
Finish to synchronize the command.
# After the above configuration, you can see that the public SNMP configurations for the cluster are
saved to the management device and member devices by viewing the configuration files.
z Configuration file content on the management device (only the SNMP-related information is
[test_0.Sysname-cluster] display current-configuration
cluster-snmp-agent community read read_a
cluster-snmp-agent community write write_a
cluster-snmp-agent group v3 group_a
cluster-snmp-agent mib-view included mib_a org
cluster-snmp-agent usm-user v3 user_a group_a
snmp-agent local-engineid 800007DB000FE22405626877