z The rmon alarm and rmon prialarm commands take effect on existing nodes only.
z For each port, only one RMON statistics entry can be created. That is, if an RMON statistics entry is
already created for a given port, you will fail to create another statistics entry with a different index
for the same port.
Displaying RMON
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Display RMON statistics
display rmon statistics [ interface-type
interface-number | unit unit-number ]
Display RMON history
display rmon history [ interface-type
interface-number | unit unit-number ]
Display RMON alarm
display rmon alarm [ entry-number ]
Display extended RMON alarm
display rmon prialarm
[ prialarm-entry-number ]
Display RMON events display rmon event [ event-entry ]
Display RMON event logs display rmon eventlog [ event-entry ]
Available in
any view.
RMON Configuration Example
Network requirements
z The switch to be tested is connected to a remote NMS through the Internet. Ensure that the SNMP
agents are correctly configured before performing RMON configuration.
z Create an entry in the extended alarm table to monitor the information of statistics on the Ethernet
port, if the change rate of which exceeds the set threshold, the alarm events will be triggered.
Network diagram
Figure 2-1 Network diagram for RMON configuration
Configuration procedures
# Add the statistics entry numbered 1 to take statistics on Ethernet 1/0/1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface Ethernet 1/0/1
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0/1] rmon statistics 1