1 File System Management Configuration
When configuring file system management, go to these sections for information you are interested in:
z File System Configuration
z File Attribute Configuration
z Configuration File Backup and Restoration
File System Configuration
Introduction to File System
To facilitate management on the switch memory, 4500 series Ethernet switches provide the file system
function, allowing you to access and manage the files and directories. You can create, remove, copy or
delete a file through command lines, and you can manage files using directories.
File System Configuration Task List
Complete the following tasks to configure the file system:
Task Remarks
Directory Operations Optional
File Operations Optional
Flash Memory Operations Optional
Prompt Mode Configuration Optional
The 3com 4500 series Ethernet switches support Expandable Resilient Networking (XRN), and allow
you to access a file on a switch in one of the following ways:
z To access a file on the specified unit, you need to specify the file in universal resource locator (URL)
format and starting with unit[No.]>flash:/, where [No.] represents the unit ID of the switch. For
example, if the unit ID of the switch is 1, the URL of a file named text.txt in the root directory of the
switch is unit1>flash:/text.txt.
z To access a file on the current unit, you need to enter the file URL starting with flash:/. For example,
the URL of file text.txt in the root directory of the Flash on the current unit is flash:/text.txt.
z To access a file in the current directory, enter the path name or file name directly. For example, to
access file text.txt in the current directory, you can directly input the file name text.txt as the file