
The sending of gratuitous ARP packets is enabled as long as an S4500 switch operates. No command
is needed for enabling this function. That is, the device sends gratuitous ARP packets whenever a
VLAN interface is enabled (such as when a link is enabled or an IP address is configured for the VLAN
interface) or whenever the IP address of a VLAN interface is changed.
Configuring ARP Source MAC Address Consistency Check
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view
Enable ARP source MAC
address consistency check
arp anti-attack valid-check
Disabled by default.
Displaying and Debugging ARP
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Display specific ARP mapping
table entries
display arp [ static | dynamic | ip-address ]
Display the ARP mapping
entries related to a specified
string in a specified way
display arp [ dynamic | static ] | { begin |
include | exclude } regular-expression
Display the number of the ARP
entries of a specified type
display arp count [ [ dynamic | static ] [ |
{ begin | include | exclude }
regular-expression ] | ip-address ]
Display the statistics about the
untrusted ARP packets
dropped by the specified port
display arp detection statistics interface
interface-type interface-number
Display the setting of the ARP
aging timer
display arp timer aging
Available in
any view
Clear specific ARP entries
reset arp [ dynamic | static | interface
interface-type interface-number ]
Available in
user view
ARP Configuration Examples
Network requirements
z Disable ARP entry check on the switch.
z Disable VLAN-interface 1 of the switch from sending gratuitous ARP packets periodically.
z Set the aging time for dynamic ARP entries to 10 minutes.
z Add a static ARP entry, with the IP address being, the MAC address being
000f-e201-0000, and the outbound port being Ethernet 1/0/10 of VLAN 1.