
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Display ICMP traffic statistics
display icmp statistics
Display the current socket
information of the system
display ip socket [ socktype sock-type ]
[ task-id socket-id ]
Display the forwarding information
base (FIB) entries
display fib
Display the FIB entries matching the
destination IP address
display fib ip_address1 [ { mask1 |
mask-length1 } [ ip_address2 { mask2 |
mask-length2 } | longer ] | longer ]
Display the FIB entries filtering
through a specific ACL
display fib acl number
Display the FIB entries in the buffer
which begin with, include or exclude
the specified character string.
display fib | { begin | include | exclude }
Display the FIB entries filtering
through a specific prefix list
display fib ip-prefix ip-prefix-name
Display the total number of the FIB
display fib statistics
Clear IP traffic statistics
reset ip statistics
Clear TCP traffic statistics
reset tcp statistics
Clear UDP traffic statistics
reset udp statistics
Available in
user view