z Perform the above operations on the management device of the cluster.
z Creating a public local user is equal to executing these configurations on both the management
device and the member devices (refer to the AAA Operation part in this manual), and these
configurations will be saved to the configuration files of the management device and the member
z The public local user configurations cannot be synchronized to the devices that are on the cluster
z If a member device leaves the cluster, the public local user configurations will not be removed.
Displaying and Maintaining Cluster Configuration
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Display all NDP configuration
and running information
(including the interval to send
NDP packets, the holdtime, and
all neighbors discovered)
display ndp
Display NDP configuration and
running information on
specified ports (including the
neighbors discovered by NDP
on the ports)
display ndp interface port-list
Display global NTDP
display ntdp
Display device information
collected by NTDP
display ntdp device-list
[ verbose ]
Display status and statistics
information about the cluster
display cluster
Display information about the
candidate devices of the cluster
display cluster candidates
[ mac-address H-H-H |
verbose ]
Display information about the
member devices of the cluster
display cluster members
[ member-number | verbose ]
Available in any view.
Clear the statistics on NDP
reset ndp statistics
[ interface port-list ]
Available in user view.
When you display the cluster topology information, the devices attached to the switch that is listed in the
backlist will not be displayed.