Figure 1-10 SSH client configuration interface 3
Click Browse… to bring up the file selection window, navigate to the private key file and click Open. If
the connection is normal, a user will be prompted for a username. Once passing the authentication, the
user can log in to the server.
Configuring an SSH Client Assumed by an SSH2-Capable Switch
Complete the following tasks to configure an SSH client that is assumed by an SSH2-capable switch:
Task Remarks
Configuring the SSH client for publickey
Required for publickey authentication;
unnecessary for password authentication
Configuring whether first-time authentication is
Specifying a source IP address/interface for the
SSH client
Establishing the connection between the SSH
client and server
Configuring the SSH client for publickey authentication
When the authentication mode is publickey, you need to configure the RSA public key of the client on
the server:
z To generate a key pair on the client, refer to Configuring Key Pairs.
z To export the RSA public key of the client, refer to Exporting the Host Public Key.
z To configure the public key of a client on the server, refer to Configuring the Public Key of a Client
on the Server