
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Display the current alarm
information of the pluggable
display transceiver alarm interface
[ interface-type interface-number ]
Available for all pluggable
Display the currently measured
value of the digital diagnosis
parameters of the anti-spoofing
optical transceiver(s)
customized by H3C
display transceiver diagnosis
interface [ interface-type
interface-number ]
Available for anti-spoofing
pluggable optical
transceiver(s) customized
by H3C only
Displaying the Device Management Configuration
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Display the APP to be adopted at
next startup
display boot-loader [ unit unit-id ]
Display the module type and
operating status of each board
display device [ manuinfo [ unit
unit-id ] | unit unit-id ]
Display CPU usage of a switch display cpu [ unit unit-id ]
Display the operating status of the
display fan [ unit unit-id [ fan-id ] ]
Display memory usage of a switch display memory [ unit unit-id ]
Display the operating status of the
power supply
display power [ unit unit-id [ power-id ] ]
Display system diagnostic
information or save system
diagnostic information to a file with
the extension .diag into the Flash
display diagnostic-information
Display enabled debugging on a
specified switch or all switches in the
display debugging { fabric | unit
unit-id } [ interface interface-type
interface-number ] [ module-name ]
Display enabled debugging on all
switches in the fabric by modules
display debugging fabric by-module
Available in any
Remote Switch APP Upgrade Configuration Example
Network requirements
Telnet to the switch from a PC remotely and download applications from the FTP server to the Flash
memory of the switch. Update the switch software by using the device management commands through
The switch acts as the FTP client, and the remote PC serves as both the configuration PC and the FTP
Perform the following configuration on the FTP server.
z Configure an FTP user, whose name is switch and password is hello. Authorize the user with the
read-write right on the directory Switch on the PC.