[Switch] user-interface vty 0 4
[Switch-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode scheme
# Enable the user interfaces to support SSH.
[Switch-ui-vty0-4] protocol inbound ssh
[Switch-ui-vty0-4] quit
# Configure the HWTACACS scheme.
[Switch] hwtacacs scheme hwtac
[Switch-hwtacacs-hwtac] primary authentication 49
[Switch-hwtacacs-hwtac] primary authorization 49
[Switch-hwtacacs-hwtac] key authentication expert
[Switch-hwtacacs-hwtac] key authorization expert
[Switch-hwtacacs-hwtac] user-name-format without-domain
[Switch-hwtacacs-hwtac] quit
# Apply the scheme to the ISP domain.
[Switch] domain bbb
[Switch-isp-bbb] scheme hwtacacs-scheme hwtac
[Switch-isp-bbb] quit
# Configure an SSH user, specifying the switch to perform password authentication for the user.
[Switch] ssh user client001 authentication-type password
z Configure the SSH client
# Configure an IP address ( in this case) for the SSH client. This IP address and that of the
VLAN interface on the switch must be in the same network segment.
# Configure the SSH client software to establish a connection to the SSH server. Take SSH client
software Putty Version 0.58 as an example:
1) Run PuTTY.exe to enter the following configuration interface.
Figure 1-20 SSH client configuration interface (1)