
The module field represents the name of the module that generates system information. You can enter
the info-center source ? command in system view to view the module list. Refer to
Table 1-3 for
module name and description.
Between “module” and “level” is a “/”.
Level (Severity)
System information can be divided into eight levels based on its severity, from 1 to 8. Refer to Table 1-1
for definition and description of these severity levels. Note that there is a forward slash “/” between the
level (severity) and digest fields.
The digest field is a string of up to 32 characters, outlining the system information.
Note that there is a colon between the digest and content fields.
For system information destined to the log host,
z If the character string ends with (l), it indicates the log information
z If the character string ends with (t), it indicates the trap information
z If the character string ends with (d), it indicates the debugging information
This field indicates the source of the information, such as the source IP address of the log sender. This
field is optional and is displayed only when the output destination is the log host.
This field provides the content of the system information.
Information Center Configuration
Information Center Configuration Task List
Complete the following tasks to configure information center:
Task Remarks
Configuring Synchronous Information Output Optional
Configuring to Display the Time Stamp with the UTC Time Zone Optional
Setting to Output System Information to the Console Optional
Setting to Output System Information to a Monitor Terminal Optional
Setting to Output System Information to a Log Host Optional
Setting to Output System Information to the Trap Buffer Optional
Setting to Output System Information to the Log Buffer Optional
Setting to Output System Information to the SNMP NMS Optional