Chapter 2 Function Reference — CTR_Stop
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-114
National Instruments Corporation
status = CTR_Stop (deviceNumber, ctr)
Suspends operation of the specified counter so that you can restart the counter operation.
Parameter Discussion
ctr is the counter number.
Range: 1, 2, or 5 for an MIO device except the E Series devices.
1 through 10 for a PC-TIO-10.
Using This Function
CTR_Stop suspends the operation of the counter in such a way that the counter can be
restarted by
CTR_Restart and continue in its operation. For example, if a counter is set up
for frequency output, issuing
CTR_Stop causes the counter to stop generating a square wave,
CTR_Restart allows it to resume. CTR_Stop causes the counter output to remain at the
state it was in when
CTR_Stop was issued.
Because of hardware limitations, CTR_Stop cannot stop a counter generating a
square wave with period1 of 1 and period2 of 1.
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
ctr i16 counter number