
Chapter 2 Function Reference WFM_Load
National Instruments Corporation 2-425 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = WFM_Load (deviceNumber, numChans, chanVect, buffer, count, iterations, mode)
Assigns a waveform buffer to one or more analog output channels and indicates the number
of waveform cycles to generate.
Parameter Discussion
numChans indicates the number of analog output channels specified in the array chanVect.
Range: 1 or 2 for most devices.
1 through 6 for AT-AO-6.
1 through 10 for AT-AO-10.
1 for DAQArb 5411 devices.
chanVect is the array of channel numbers indicating to which analog output channels the
buffer to be assigned.
Channel number range:
0 or 1 for most devices.
0 through 5 for AT-AO-6.
0 through 9 for AT-AO-10.
0 for DAQArb 5411 devices.
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
numChans i16 number of analog output channels
chanVect [i16] channel numbers
buffer [i16] values that are converted to voltages by DACs
count u32 number of points in the buffer
iterations u32 number of times the waveform generation steps
through buffer
mode i16 enables or disables FIFO mode