Chapter 2 Function Reference — DIG_Prt_Config
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-184
National Instruments Corporation
1: Port is configured for handshaking (latched) mode. mode = 1 is valid only for
ports 0 and 1 of the DIO-24 and Lab and 1200 Series devices; for ports 2 and 3 of
the AT-MIO-16D and AT-MIO-16DE-10; and for ports 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10
of the DIO-96.
dir indicates the direction, input or output, to which the port is to be configured.
Range: 0 through 3.
0: Port is configured as an input port (default).
1: Port is configured as a standard output port.
2: Port is configured as a bidirectional port.
3: Port is configured as an output port, with wired-OR (open collector)
output drivers.
Note mode must be set to handshaking in order to use bidirectional.
The following ports can be configured as bidirectional:
Note The only ports that can be configured as wired-OR output ports are DIO 6533
ports 0 through 3.
Using This Function
DIG_Prt_Config configures the specified port according to the specified direction and
handshake mode. Any configurations not supported by or invalid for the specified port return
an error, and NI-DAQ does not change the port configuration. Information about the valid
configuration of any digital I/O port is in the DAQ Hardware Overview Guide, and Chapter 3,
Software Overview, of the NI-DAQ User Manual for PC Compatibles.
For the DIO-24, AT-MIO-16D, DIO-32F, DIO 6533, DIO-96, and Lab and 1200 Series
DIG_Prt_Config returns an error if the specified port has been assigned to a group
by a previous call to
DIG_Grp_Config or DIG_SCAN_Setup. DIG_Prt_Config also
returns an error for the DIO-32F and DIO 6533 if the specified port is port 4.
Device Ports
AT-MIO-16D 2
AT-MIO-16DE-10 2
Lab and 1200 Series devices 0
DIO-24 0
DIO-96 0, 3, 6, and 9