Chapter 2 Function Reference — ICTR_Reset
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-250
National Instruments Corporation
status = ICTR_Reset (deviceNumber, ctr, state)
Sets the output of the selected counter to the specified state.
Parameter Discussion
ctr is the counter number.
Range: 0 through 2.
state is the logic state to which the counter is to be reset.
Range: 0 or 1.
If state is 0, the common output is forced low by programming the specified counter in
mode 0. NI-DAQ does not load the count register; thus, the output remains low until NI-DAQ
programs the counter in another mode. If state is 1, NI-DAQ forces the counter output high
by programming the given counter in mode 2. NI-DAQ does not load the count register; thus,
the output remains high until NI-DAQ programs the counter in another mode.
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
ctr i16 counter number
state i16 logic state to be reset