Chapter 2 Function Reference — SCXI_Track_Hold_Setup
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-368
National Instruments Corporation
status = SCXI_Track_Hold_Setup (SCXIchassisID, moduleSlot, inputMode, source, send,
holdCount, DAQdeviceNumber)
Establishes the track/hold behavior of an SCXI-1140 module and sets up the module for either
a single-channel operation or an interval-scanning operation.
Parameter Discussion
inputMode indicates what type of analog input operation.
0: None; frees any resources that were previously reserved for the module
(such as a DAQ device counter or an SCXIbus trigger line).
1: Single-channel operation.
2: Interval channel-scanning operation (only supported if the DAQdeviceNumber
specified is an MIO or AI device, Lab-PC-1200, Lab-PC-1200AI, Lab-PC+,
SCXI-1200, or DAQCard-1200).
Name Type Description
SCXIchassisID i16 logical ID assigned to the SCXI chassis
moduleSlot i16 chassis slot number
inputMode i16 type of analog input operation
source i16 indicates which signal will control the
track/hold state
send i16 where else to send the signal specified by
holdCount i16 number of times the module is enabled during
an interval scan before going back into track
DAQdeviceNumber i16 device number of the DAQ device used