National Instruments Corporation G-11 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles)
s seconds
S samples
sample counter the clock that counts the output of the channel clock, in other words, the
number of samples taken. On boards with simultaneous sampling, this
counter counts the output of the scan clock and hence the number of scans.
scan one or more analog or digital input samples. Typically, the number of input
samples in a scan is equal to the number of channels in the input group. For
example, one pulse from the scan clock produces one scan which acquires
one new sample from every analog input channel in the group.
scan clock the clock controlling the time interval between scans. On boards with
interval scanning support (for example, the AT-MIO-16F-5), this clock
gates the channel clock on and off. On boards with simultaneous sampling
(for example, the EISA-A2000), this clock clocks the track-and-hold
scan rate the number of scans per second. For example, a scan rate of 10 Hz means
sampling each channel 10 times per second.
SCXI Signal Conditioning eXtensions for Instrumentation
SDK Software Development Kit
SE single-ended—a term used to describe an analog input that is measured
with respect to a common ground
self-calibrating a property of a DAQ board that has an extremely stable onboard reference
and calibrates its own A/D and D/A circuits without manual adjustments by
the user
shared memory See dual-access memory
signal conditioning the manipulation of signals to prepare them for digitizing
software trigger a programmed event that triggers an event such as data acquisition
software triggering a method of triggering in which you simulate an analog trigger using
software. Also called conditional retrieval.