Chapter 2 Function Reference — DAQ_VScale
National Instruments Corporation 2-145 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = DAQ_VScale (deviceNumber, chan, gain, gainAdjust, offset, count, binArray,
Converts the values of an array of acquired binary data and the gain setting for that data to
actual input voltages measured.
Parameter Discussion
chan is the onboard channel or AMUX channel on which the binary data was acquired. For
devices other than AT-MIO-16X, AT-MIO-64F-5, and E Series devices and DSA devices,
this parameter is ignored because the scaling calculation is the same for all of the channels.
However, you are encouraged to pass the correct channel number.
gain is the gain setting at which NI-DAQ acquired the data in binArray. If you used SCXI to
take the reading, this gain parameter should be the product of the gain on the SCXI module
channel and the gain used by the DAQ device.
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
chan i16 channel on which binary reading was taken
gain i16 gain setting
gainAdjust f64 multiplying factor to adjust gain
offset f64 binary offset present in reading
count u32 length of binArray and voltArray
binArray [i16] acquired binary data
Name Type Description
voltArray [f64] double-precision values returned