Chapter 2 Function Reference — SCXI_Reset
National Instruments Corporation 2-349 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = SCXI_Reset (SCXIchassisID, moduleSlot)
Resets the specified module to its default state. You can also use SCXI_Reset to reset the
Slot 0 scanning circuitry or to reset the entire chassis.
Parameter Discussion
moduleSlot is the chassis slot number of the module that is to be reset.
Range: 1 to n, where n is the number of slots in the chassis.
0: Reset Slot 0 of the chassis by resetting the module scan list and scanning circuitry.
If this is a remote SCXI chassis, Slot 0 is rebooted and it will take a few seconds
for this call to return because it waits for the chassis to finish booting and attempts
to reestablish communication with the chassis.
–1: Reset all modules present in the chassis and reset Slot 0.
Using This Function
The default states of the SCXI modules are as follows:
• SCXI-1100 and SCXI-1122:
Module gain = 1.
Module filter = 4 Hz (SCXI-1122 only).
Channel 0 is selected.
Multiplexed channel scanning is disabled.
Module output is enabled if the module is cabled to a DAQ device.
Calibration is disabled.
Name Type Description
SCXIchassisID i16 logical ID assigned to the SCXI chassis
moduleSlot i16 chassis slot number of the module