Appendix A Status Codes
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles A-18
National Instruments Corporation
–10688 noTrigEnabledError The number of total scans and pretrigger
scans implies that a triggered start is
intended, but triggering is not enabled.
–10689 digitalTrigBError Digital trigger B is illegal for the
number of total scans and pretrigger
scans specified.
–10690 digitalTrigAandBError This board does not allow digital
triggers A and B to be enabled at the
same time.
–10691 extConvRestrictionError This board does not allow an external
sample clock with an external scan
clock, start trigger, or stop trigger.
–10692 chanClockDisabledError The acquisition cannot be started
because the channel clock is disabled.
–10693 extScanClockError You cannot use an external scan clock
when doing a single scan of a single
–10694 unsafeSamplingFreqError The sample frequency exceeds the safe
maximum rate for the hardware, gains,
and filters used.
–10695 DMAnotAllowedError You have set up an operation that
requires the use of interrupts. DMA is
not allowed. For example, some DAQ
events, such as messaging and
LabVIEW occurrences, require
–10696 multiRateModeError Multi-rate scanning cannot be used with
the AMUX-64, SCXI, or pretriggered
–10697 rateNotSupportedError Unable to convert your
timebase/interval pair to match the
actual hardware capabilities of this
Table A-1.
Status Code Summary (Continued)
Status Code Status Name Description