Chapter 2 Function Reference — WFM_DB_Transfer
National Instruments Corporation 2-415 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = WFM_DB_Transfer (deviceNumber, numChans, chanVect, buffer, count)
Transfers new data into one or more waveform buffers (selected in WFM_Load) as waveform
generation is in progress.
WFM_DB_Transfer waits until NI-DAQ can transfer the data from
the buffer to the waveform buffers.
Parameter Discussion
numChans indicates the number of analog output channels specified in the array chanVect.
Range: 1 or 2 for most devices.
1 through 6 for AT-AO-6.
1 through 10 for AT-AO-10.
chanVect is the array of channel numbers indicating which analog output channels are to
receive new data from the buffer.
Channel number range:
0 or 1 for most devices.
0 through 5 for AT-AO-6.
0 through 9 for AT-AO-10.
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
numChans i16 number of analog output channels
chanVect [i16] channel numbers
count u32 number of new data points
Name Type Description
buffer [i16] new data that is to be transferred