Chapter 2 Function Reference — SCXI_Configure_Filter
National Instruments Corporation 2-333 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = SCXI_Configure_Filter (chassisID, moduleSlot, channel, filterMode, freq,
cutoffDivDown, outClkDivDown, actualFreq)
Configures the filter on any SCXI module that supports programmable filter settings.
Currently, only the SCXI-1122, SCXI-1126, and SCXI-1141 have programmable filter
settings; the other analog input modules have hardware-selectable filters.
Parameter Discussion
channel is the module channel for which you want to change the filter configuration. If
channel = –1,
SCXI_Configure_Filter changes the filter configuration for all channels
on the module.
filterMode indicates the filter configuration mode for the given channel.
0: Bypass the filter.
1: Set filter cutoff frequency to freq.
Name Type Description
chassisID i16 chassis ID number
moduleSlot i16 chassis slot number of the module
channel i16 module channel
filterMode i16 filter configuration mode
freq f64 filter cutoff frequency
cutoffDivDown u16 external signal divisor for cutoff frequency
outClkDivDown u16 clock signal divisor to send to OUTCLK
Name Type Description
actualFreq f64 actual filter cutoff frequency