Runs LiveUpdate, backup, and
disk optimization tasks.
RunsLiveUpdate,backs upyour
data, frees disk space, and
optimizes your disk volume.
Custom Task
Computer Scan provides details about the scanned
items. You can view the details such as total number
of filesscanned, security risksdetected, security risks
resolved, and the total items that require attention. It
also provides you the different ways to resolve any
items thatwere notautomatically resolvedduring the
scan. You can also view the severity of the risk, the
name of the risk, and the status of the risk about the
resolved items.
Running a Quick Scan
A Quick Scan helps you to scan the possible
other security risks often targets. Because this scan
does not scan your entire computer, it takes less time
to run than a Full System Scan.
When Norton 360 performs Quick Scan for the first
time, it automatically runs LiveUpdate, and cleans up
the Internet Explorer temporary files and Windows
temporary files.
When the InsightProtection option is turned on,
Norton 360 simultaneously performs a traditional
Quick Scan and an Insight Network Quick Scan. By
default, the InsightProtection option is turned on.
During idle time, Norton 360 runs a Quick Scan when
there is a definition update.
To run aQuick Scan
In the Norton360 main window, clickPCSecurity,
and then click RunScans.
In the Scans window, under ComputerScan, click
Scanning your computer
About Computer Scan