
If you do not activate the product within the time
period that the alert specifies, the product stops
working. You can activate it after the time period has
elapsed, but you are not protected until you activate
the product.
Activating Norton 360
Touse allof thefeaturesin Norton360, youmustfirst
activate your product. Product activation reduces
software piracy and ensures that you have authentic
Symantec software. You can renew your subscription
after the end of your subscription period.
takes place automatically when you start the product
for the first time after installation. During activation,
the NortonAccount window appears. You can create
your Norton Account and register your product. You
can also view details, such as your Product Key and
recent updates to the product. If you skip the Norton
Account window, the product is activated, but the
Product Key is not saved in the Norton Account. You
can print the Product Key for the future, if you need
to reinstall your product.
Norton360prompts foractivationeachtimeyou start
the product. Also, you receive an activation alert
regularly until you activate the product.
thatthealertspecifies,oryour productstopsworking.
You can activate your product directly from the
activation alert. You can also activate your product
from the TrialPeriodStatus linkin the main window
or from the MyAccount window. In some cases, you
might needto enter yourProduct Key toactivate your
product.You canactivateorrenew thesubscriptionof
Activation should take only a few minutes.
21Getting Started
Activation protects you