
Theamountoftime thatittakes
to transfer your backup tothe
Secure Online Storage depends
on the speed of yourInternet
connection. If you have many
filestobackup, thefirstbackup
can take hours or days,
depending on the speed ofyour
Internet connection.
You can configure the Internet
bandwidth that backup uses to
back up your files usingthe
tab of the Manage BackupSets
You can alter the following
bandwidth throttle states:
1 Fastest (recommended)
1 High usage
1 Moderate usage
1 Low usage
Furthermore, many home and
small business Internet
connections are asymmetrical,
meaning that their upload
speeds are slower than their
downloadspeeds. Asingle large
file, such as a high-quality
photograph, may take several
minutes or longer to uploadto
your Secure Online Storage.
If you have many largefiles and
asymmetrical or slow Internet
connection, consider the use of
one of the other backup
locations that Norton 360
provides.You can then use your
Secure Online Storage to back
Protecting your mediaand data
About online backupconsiderations