set to back up your pictures to your local fixed disk.
You can create another backup set to back up your
videos to a CD. You can also configure different
schedules for each backup set.
Whenyoucreateanew backupset,Norton360applies
the default configuration for the backup set. You can
change the configuration if the default configuration
does not meet your needs.
You can identify each backup set with a backup set
name. Thedefault nameof abackup set isDefaultSet.
You can save a backup set with the default name as
well. But, whenever you create a new backup set, you
mustprovideanameforthebackupset. Themaximum
character length of a backup set name is 32
alphanumericcharacters.Youcannotcreatemore than
10 backup sets.
To create anew backupset
In the Norton360 main window, click Backup,and
then click ManageBackupSets.
On the Summary tab, under Thingsyou cando,
click Createnewbackupset.
In the window that appears, type a name for your
backup set, and then click OK.
On the What tab, under FileTypes, select a file
In the ManageBackupSets window,click Save
Modifying or renaming a backup set
Whenyoucreateanew backupset,Norton360applies
the default configuration for the backup set. You can
change the configuration if the default configuration
does not meet your needs.
Youcanmodifya backupsettoincludeorexcludefiles
to back up your files. You can change the schedule of
a backup set. You can also rename a backup set if the
419Protecting your mediaand data
About backup set